String Theory Directed, Designed, Edited and Animated this video for Kygo,called by Rolling Stone “The Breakup Song of the Summer”. At press time, it has 76 MILLION Views on YouTube.
Category: Agency
This spot is one of a campaign developed with the creative team, promoting their bluetooth wireless speaker. This piece was used in stores as a demo for consumers.
This spot is one of a campaign developed with the creative team, promoting their bluetooth wireless speaker.
The title sequence to a short film/doc directed and produced by Michael Fox and Edit Beach, this doc was screened at the 2013 NYC and ChicagoFood Film Festivals.
This video was created for Save The Children, for their holiday campaign for donations. Working directly with the organization, we helped develop this on a tight turnaround, and with as limited a budget as was possible (for charitable cause). We recorded the VO, and mixed the audio, creating a powerful piece that is memorable and emotional.
This spot is one of a campaign developed with the creative team, promoting their bluetooth wireless speaker.
String Theory developed the show open for this program of a group of funny girls who move to New York and take comically odd jobs to make ends meet.
String Theory developed the show open for this dark and brooding show about a forensic pathologist in Las Vegas.
Working with BoomBox, we developed a large scale, looping video wall installation for Amex and their Paris corporate events space. This was a large scale video wall, which was interactive to a viewer, with touch screens and other areas of user feedback.
Working with Arcade Creative, we developed a series of 5 web videos for the Amex Bluebird brand, each using friendly and clear information graphics and type to inform the viewers of the various products and services. Simple, clean, and lots of playful moments made this campaign a pleasure.
Working with the Creative Team at 1 Trick Pony and Film Director Paul Rachman, we shot, edited and animated this fun, quirky, light and breezy corporate video for Amex Serve, playing up the folksy flavor of “The Office.” Tight budget and even tighter turnaround was no problem, with our teams collaborating day and night to pull it off. A really warm and sweet video was the final result.
Working with Arcade Creative, we developed a series of web spots for American Express and their Pass prepaid cards for teens. Simple and smooth, and developing a graphic style that would allow for multiple spots to be delivered on a tight turnaround was the name of this game.
String Theory developed the identity and show open for this sketch comedy series, as well as several animated music video comedy sequences within the show.
String Theory developed the animation and transitional designs with 360i to create an interactive film with Michael Jordan, taking him off the television and putting him on smartphones using Facebook Canvas Technology. This Campaign was featured in Creativity, USA Today, SmartBrief, and Printwear.
The Downtown Alliance was looking for something affordable and fun, that could span across multiple platforms and languages. We came up with this little gem that plays with shape and color in a way that set them apart and gave them something memorable.
ST was tasked with branding a Web Series spotlighting the travels and adventures of a traveling magician/comedian.
When Altria needed to create a video detailing their commitment to diversity hirings, they asked us to help visualize these ideas with illustrations from Arthur Mount.
Amtrak and its work to develop and rehabilitate its landmark building in Philadelphia, was up for some architectural awards, and asked us to develop their video for the awards nomination event.
A fun campaign featuring charming character work and whimsical feel and pace, showcasing the ease and comfort a small business can have in buying local media and ad spaces.
A fun multi-faceted campaign featuring charming character work and whimsical feel and pace, while trying to engage people on a very serious topic.
ST was tasked with working the creative team to develop year campaign look and feels, for outdoor and Times Square video frames.
A type-driven corporate promo video showcasing the hi lights and notable moments from Sirius broadcasting.